Week 3 Blog

I hope everyone has been having a great week so far! 
This week has gone much more smoothly than last week. 
I can finally begin to complete my hours every week and get started on my project. 

Currently, Matt has provided me with two books, both having to do with statistics, I'm expected to learn and memorize different types of stats; t-test, ANOVA, linear regression and much more as well as how to create a project. 
Once I finish reading all the books, I'll have a quick quiz to test my knowledge and preparedness for the project. 
I'm not 100% sure what I will be working on as soon as I finish, but I do recall Matt mentioning something to do with bats; my main focus currently is to learn and study the books.

I've also been invited to compete in a mathematics competition, part of the Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. I'm not too familiar with those, but if anyone else has heard of them, some tips would be much appreciated :)! 


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