Hey, everyone, happy Thursday! This week has been so stressful, I'm at the point where I keep losing motivation, and then I'm just constantly bored with nothing to do except a bunch of homework. However, there are only a couple weeks left to go, so I'm trying my best to get through them. As of TRAIN, it has been pretty good, and I've enjoyed the calls with Matt. Every time we call, we always talk about how much easier this would all be through a person, but we got to work with what we have. I've been progressing on my paper and finally evaluating the data on the bats. Last week I sorted out some dated and shared it with Matt, I had the right idea, but I still had more work to do. He explained to me how I have to narrow the data more, instead of keeping it so broad. I'm now working on that and getting ahead on it. I hope you guys all continue having a great week and keep on pushing forward. 


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